Friday, June 18, 2010

Great family camping trip !!!

The BAD CASE of Browntail Moth Catipiller reaction was the worse part of the camp out !!! Other than that we all had a great time !!!


  1. ooo that looks itchy & painful! almost like shingles! i know! better luck nx time with a full body suit

  2. from the Town of Freeport website:
    May 18, 2010
    The Maine Forest Service is alerting residents in five coastal communities to a wide-spread infestation of the Browntail moth caterpillar. Although the five communities where the caterpillar is most prevalent does not include Freeport (Topsham, Bath, West Bath, Brunswick and Bowdoinham have the heaviest presence of browntails) many residents are seeing the number of browntail moth caterpillars in Freeport on the rise.

    A mild winter and early spring has brought about an infestation of the caterpillar, the microscopic hairs of which can cause a nasty skin rash or respiratory problems.

    As a result, during the spring and early summer, coastal Maine residents may experience a persistent rash following outdoor activities in which they may have had direct or indirect contact with the Browntail moth caterpillar. It is important for residents to be able to recognize these caterpillars and take necessary precautions.

    At least they'll be gone soon!

  3. Sorry Joey--it still looks bad! Nancy

  4. Tell me something I don't know !!!
