Monday, November 2, 2009

Anybody out there???

Is anyone still reading this blog? Very few comments for a LONG time now . Just wondering whether to keep it going.
I notice that most of the family now communicates on Facebook and I see that most of you are commenting frequently there. Maybe Facebook is now accomplishing what we set out to do on this blog? (The downside of Facebook is that I would be reluctant to put family/ medical information out there.)
What do YOU think? Please hit the Comment button below and let us know (if you don't want to open a free Google account, you can just post as "Anonymous" and put your name in the text of your comment).


  1. i agree, some things cannot be put on facebook. your two 80 yr. oldies are readin the blog!!

  2. anyone home???? Except Cheryl and me or course!

  3. I love the blog ! I have to put some more time into putting stuff on here. Thinking of you all as you await your test results. Joanne

  4. Don't stop the blog!! I can't figure out Facebook. Things have been busy around here. Does everyone know the Ed got married???

